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Join Our Detachment

Membership to Detachment 1347 is open to any honorably-discharged Marine veteran, veterans and non-veterans in Los Angeles.  Membership dues are used in a variety of ways to further the mission of Detachment 1347: scholarships to local high schools, color guard details, meeting place maintenance, community breakfasts, etc.

Membership is obligation-free; contribute as much of your time, whether in-person or online, as you like. Your membership is greatly appreciated.

Members of the Marine Corps League join in camaraderie and fellowship for the purpose of preserving traditions, promoting the interests of the United States Marine Corps, banding together those who are now serving in the United States Marine Corps and those who have been honorably discharged from that service. Effectively promote the ideals of American freedom and democracy. Voluntarily aiding and rendering assistance to all Marines, FMF Corpsmen, FMF Chaplains, and former Marines, FMF Corpsmen and FMF Chaplains and their widows and orphans; and to perpetuate the history of the United States Marine Corps and by fitting acts to observe the anniversaries of historical occasions of particular interest to Marines.

For membership inquires, please contact:

To renew your membership, please select this button below to be redirected to our payment page:

To view or download a copy of the Detachment 1347 Brochure/Application, please click the button below:

Detachment Officers

Commandant: Ivania Munguía  

Sr. Vice Commandant: Manuel Ibarra


Jr. Vice Commandant: Dario Grant


Judge Advocate: Antonio De Loza


Jr. Past Commandant: Juan Pascacio


Paymaster:  Cindy Munesato


Chaplain: Melissa Alvarado


Sgt-At-Arms: John Caamano


Public Relations Officer: Deana Vasquez


Veteran Service Officer:


Adjutant: Cindy Munesato


Web Sergeant: Peter She



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