PFC Eugene A. Obregon (MOH) :
Detachment 1347 - Scholarship Program
The Scholarship program was created in 2015. We created it to give back to the community, which is part of our bylaws. This was to help Veterans and their families by providing scholarships to those in the immediate areas.
The local schools that are currently recipient of the Scholarship Program:
Garfield High School
Roosevelt High School
Montebello High School
Due to Covid-19 restrictions and the closure of the local schools, the Scholarship Program was not active.
Scholarship Program 2019
76th Annual Army JROTC Awards Ceremony.
Commandant Antonio Chapa with Edgardo Vaquerano at the 76th Annual Army JROTC Awards Ceremony:
76th Annual Army JROTC Awards Ceremony.
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Scholarship Program 2018
Commandant Antonio Chapa speaking at James A. Garfield High School to a crowd of JROTC cadets.
Congratulations to JROTC Cadet Lopez for being awarded with the PFC Eugene Arnold Obregon (MOH) Scholarship!
Detachment 1347 awarded Jasmine Elizabeth Martinez a Montebello High School Senior, the PFC Eugene Arnold Obregon (MOH) Scholarship. Congratulations and best of luck to her. Semper Fidelis!
Commandant Antonio Chapa speaking at James A. Garfield High School to a crowd of JROTC cadets.
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Scholarship Program 2016
Come and Help Raise Fund for Scholarship Program flyer.
Detachment 1347 Officers, (Right to Left) Sergeant-at-Arms Juan Pascacio; Senior Vice Commandant Manuel Ibarra; Paymaster Benice Sanchez; Commandant John Yanez; and Judge Advocate Antonio Chapa; presenting the PFC Eugene A. Obregon (MOH) Scholarship to Luis Pierrez, who is the Battalion Commander for Garfield High School Jr. ROTC. We, as a Detachment, are honored to be able to assist our community to pursue higher education. Semper Fidelis!
High School Jr. ROTC Awards Night at Theodore Roosevelt High School
Come and Help Raise Fund for Scholarship Program flyer.
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Scholarship Program 2015
Scholarship Program 2015 The Scholarship Program was originally created in 2015 to help out the local community and the Veterans and their families.
Garfield High School Scholarship Award Night Jeanette Moreno with Detachment 1347.
Roosevelt High School - Scholarship Award Night Hunberto Solache with Detachment 1347.
Scholarship Program 2015 The Scholarship Program was originally created in 2015 to help out the local community and the Veterans and their families.
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